Adjustable team player to give the best in any situation. A passionate Java Backend Developer with proficiency in JavaScript, Java, HTML, CSS, Data Structure, and Algorithms. willing to use them to build custom projects. highly adaptive to learning new skills and techniques. Looking forward to working as a Java Backend Developer and enhancing my technical skills while creating customer projects.
DeskTime is a website used a lot by the company for their employees to check how much time their employees spending time on work, even employees can also treat how much time they are working on screen
Project leader to lead team. To build the MydeskPage with full functionalities, To build project page with adding deleting project. To build the stop watch. To show work timing. Build navbar and footer and provided import and export functionality.
Human Resource Management system is console application which can we use by Hr department to handle employee record of company
Admin can add employee, Admin can remove employee, Employee can change their password Admin can transfer employee different department
Java , Mysql, JDBC
TripAdvisory is a website which provided you details review about place which where add by people who visited that place you can read review and also you write review about place. Places are there by country name You can also see hotel near by your place.
To build home page of website with all functionality and provided slider, also Provide different cities and provided dark mode, also provided recent view. To build login and singup pages. To build review pages. To build add review pages.
Student course plateform is application where student can ragistor and buy some course and admin can add new courses
Admin can ragistor project, student can see the available course and buy courses, owner can ragistor admin,admin can see the number of student buy course.
Java, Mysql, Hiberanate, Spring Boot, Spring-Security, Jwt-Token, Spring, Spring MVC, JPA Repository, PostMan, Swagger
Admin can add routes and hotels and traveles and packages also and can also book them, Admin can also book hotels and buses, admin can see all the booking and customer booking mobile numbers, Customer can see the hotel and available buses and hotels and book them. Customer can cencel tickets and others can book that tickets.
Team Leader, Admin and Customer Login and Logout, Booking and tickets.
Java, Mysql, Hiberanate, Spring Boot, Spring, Spring MVC, JPA Repository, PostMan, Swagger
05-2022 - Present
Here I am learning about coding and DSA and softskill to work in organization. I was intersted in coding and I need platform that can guide me during in learing face so I choosed masai as my platform now I am happy to be part of masai organization here I am learning a lot thing which is required in organization.
07/2019 - 01/2022
I have compilted my with Owner Degree 9.0 CGPA
02/2020 - 02/2022
I have 2 year of experience in automobile industry which manufacture autocomponent for four wheeler cars. I was quality department and handling internal quality and customer quality. I was also handling customer audit and Mace audit and Internal audit also handling customer complaint. I was handling ISO 9001:2015 audit and IATF 2016 audit And maintaining document in standard form as per IATF.
08/2015 - 06/2019
I have complited my Mechanical Engineering with Owner Degree 8.7 CGPA